
Change Table Structure in SQl Server 2008

We recently upgraded to SQL 2008R2 and everything has gone well.  Until I tried to create a new field in a table and also when I tried to modify a field type.  I kept getting the following error:

Saving Changes is Not Permitted.The Changes you Have Made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created.you have either made changes to a table that can't be re-created or enabled the option prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created.
Rather quickly I found the following solution while searching the internet.  Therefore I wanted to share the solution.

An option in SSMS "prevent saving changes that require the table to be recreated" is the culprit

Therefore, go to the following to correct.
Tools - Options - Designers - Table and Database Designers and de-select "prevent saving changes that require the table to be recreated"

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