
Monitor Windows User Log In and Log Off without software

This is a great little batch file that enables an admin to keep a log of where, when and what computer user log on to and when they log off.

1. Set up a Share on the network.

The batch file is actually two files. One runs at user log on and one runs at user log off. When the batch files run, they create a rolling log file with the details in a shared network folder.

1) Create a shared folder on the network. Mine is called Logs. Everyone should have full access to this share.
2) In that folder, create a folder called User and a folder called Computer.

2. Create the batch files.

Copy and Paste the following into two separate text files. When you save them, remember to change the file type to .bat

Name: Log On.bat

rem The following line creates a rolling log file of usage by workstation
echo Log In %Date% %TIME% %USERNAME% >> \\servername\Logs\Computer\%COMPUTERNAME%.log

rem The following line creates a rolling log file of usage by user
echo Log In %Date% %TIME% %COMPUTERNAME% >> \\servername\Logs\User\%USERNAME%.log

Name: Log Off.bat

rem The following line creates a rolling log file of usage by workstation
echo Log Off %Date% %TIME% %USERNAME% >> \\servername\Logs\Computer\%COMPUTERNAME%.log

rem The following line creates a rolling log file of usage by user
echo Log Off %Date% %TIME% %COMPUTERNAME% >> \\servername\Logs\User\%USERNAME%.log

Put these files in the Logs folder.

3. Add the batch files to group policy.

You do this on your User Container GPO.

User Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts

Add Log In.bat to the Logon scripts box and Log Off.bat to the Logoff scripts box

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