


The following formula does everything that the traditional NETWORKDAYS function does, plus it allows you to select as many days of the week as you want to exclude from the calculations. There are two flavors of the formula. The first version does not allow a list of holidays to exclude from the count. The second version does allow a list of holidays to exclude. Both formulas require a range named ExcludeDaysOfWeek that lists the day of week numbers (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ... 7 = Saturday) to exclude from the calculation.

Formula Without Holidays


In this formula, StartDate is the data at which counting will begin. EndDate is the last date of the period to count. ExcludeDaysOfWeek is a range of up to 7 cells indicating the day-of-week numbers (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, ... 7 = Saturday) to exclude from the count. You may, if you choose to, replace the range reference of ExcludeDaysOfWeek to a hard-coded list of day numbers. For example,


Note that the days of the week are enclosed in curly braces { }, not parentheses.

Formula Supports Holidays

The formula below works must like the previous formula except that it allows you to enter holidays in a range of cells, and those holidays will be excluded from the count. You must create a named range of cells named Holidays that lists the list of holidays to exclude from the result.


The formula is split into multiple lines here for the sake of readability. In practice, though, the entire formula should be on a single line. The parameters in this formula have the same meaning as they did in the previous formula, with the addition of the Holidays list. Holidays should be a range of cells that contains dates to exclude from the count. It does not matter if a holiday falls on a day of week that is listed in the ExcludeDaysOfWeek.

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