
How To Plant A Garden

Things To Do To Complete Your GardenConsider these points in selecting your plot:
  1. Locate the garden away from buildings and trees.
  2. Have the garden where it is convenient to your house and to water.
  3. The garden should be well drained but not droughty.
  4. Locate the garden on the best soil available -- a sandy loam soil is best.
  5. Protect the plot, whether large or small, with a good fence.

Size And Shape

First, think small. Don't bite off more than you can chew, or hoe. It's like starting out an exercise program by running five miles the first day. You get tired, sore and you quit. Likewise, if you plant a huge garden the first year, you'll curse, cuss and turn your sore back on gardening for good. So, if you're new to gardening, start off with a small garden. You can always expand later if you can't get enough of those fresh, crispy vegetables. Choose a location that receives as much sun as possible throughout the day. Northern gardeners should insist on full sun.


Next, examine the soil. Is it predominantly clay, sand or a sandy loam? The latter is the best. You can distinguish a sandy loam from the other two by giving it the squeeze test. If you can take a handful of dirt and squeeze it in a ball then watch it crumble when you let go, you've got a sandy loam soil type. If you're stuck with a predominantly sandy or clay soil you can amend the soil with compost.

Vegetables will not grow well on poorly drained soil, even though supplied with adequate fertilizer. If your soil has a lot of clay or is poorly drained, make the beds high so they will drain quickly and the soil will warm up in the spring. You can reduce the size of the beds just before planting.

Note: Check the plot after a rain to note the low areas, which should be drained or filled in. The soil in a low area may show poor production. In some instances you may use an area too wet for the spring garden or a fall garden.

The Garden Plan

Make a garden plan and make the plan work. A good plan is a "must" for the beginner gardener. Your plan will include what vegetables to plant, which varieties to select, and their locations in the garden.

Unfortunately, critters (and children) may take a shine to your new garden. Rabbits, geese and deer can be a problem. For the small garden, a wire mesh surround works well. This will discourage most critters and some people. I've seen people take chicken wire and staple it to the top of their landscaping timbers on a raised bed to keep out geese and the like. Vandals can also attack gardens, especially in conspicuous areas of a city, such as in a community garden.

Garden Practices

Every gardener wants to grow as many quality vegetables as possible with the least expense. To do this you must use good garden practices.
  1. Prepare plot or rows during fall and winter for early spring planting.
  2. Use fresh seeds of recommended varieties.
  3. Make double-row plantings of beets, carrots, radish, mustard, lettuce, turnips, onions, English peas, and spinach in the spring garden.
  4. Use adequate fertilizer.
  5. Side dress plants with a nitrate fertilizer when the plants are 3 to 4 inches tall.
  6. Prune and/or stake plants that require it, such as tomatoes, pole beans, sweet pepper, and eggplant.
  7. Water, mulch, and harvest regularly to keep plants producing.
  8. Cultivate when grass and weeds are small.
  9. Grow two or more crops of certain vegetables on the same row at the same time.
  10. Control pests.
  11. Make at least two plantings of most vegetables for continuous production.


The better the condition of your soil, the better garden you will have! The best way is to add decomposed organic material that is worked into the soil to improve its balance, texture and water-holding capacity. Use aged manure, rotted leaves, peat moss, compost (the best!) or whatever kind of organic material is available. Building good soil is the most important task a gardener can do, and luckily there are all kinds of materials that will work. Ask your gardening neighbors or a good local garden center what is the best and most plentiful organic material to be found in your area, then really stock up. Soil is broadly defined as three types: clay, sand and loam. Most soils have some of each of these although one type often predominates. Clay soils have small particles that hold moisture and nutrients. They warm up and cool down slowly. Lighten heavy, compacted and poorly drained clay soils by the addition of compost or other organic material. Sandy soils have larger particles. They change temperature, are light in texture, and drain water and nutrients quickly. Adding compost to sandy soil helps it hold moisture and conserve nutrients. Loam is a soil type containing a combination of both types of particles, as well as plentiful decayed organic matter. It holds nutrients and moisture, yet drains well. Although this soil occurs naturally in some areas, you will want to mimic nature in your soil preparation by adding extra organic material to the soil you have to make it as close to loam as possible.

Adding organic material benefits all soil types - sandy soil will hold more water and clay soil will get more "friable" or loose and less compacted. Organic material will break down over time, so add it continually to your garden. Add it before you plant each new crop as well as at the end of the season. For new beds, add 3 to 4 inches of well-rotted material and turn it into the top 4 to 6 inches of soil, chopping it up and working it in until the soil texture is as crumbly and even as possible. (To make your own compost, "a gardener's gold," order our compost making brochure or inquire about compost making workshops or information at a good local garden center or your local Master Gardener program.)

Don't concern yourself too much with the degree of acidity and alkalinity, or pH of your soil. Most common garden plants grow best when the soil is just slightly acid. If your soil is too alkaline or acidic, you can use various materials to neutralize or acidify it. Consult a local nursery to see if there are any problems in your area's soil and follow their advice. Packet backs will note if there are particular plants that have specific needs. Adding compost to any soil will also improve its chemical and mineral balance.

If your soil seems rock hard with clay or very compacted, an excellent alternative is to build raised beds or big bottomless boxes bordered with wood, cinder blocks, railroad ties, or other materials. This way you can bring in some good soil to give you excellent results in a small space. Concentrate on adding a lot of decomposed organic material to your raised beds, even purchasing some bags of planting mix to fill them, so you can plant right away and have good crops the first season. Then you can work on improving a larger area for your garden over time. If gophers or moles are a problem in your area, the raised beds can be underwired with galvanized 1/2 inch chicken wire or hardware cloth. Just tack the sheets of wire to the bottom of the bed boards after excavating soil, then fill the frame back in.

Another alternative if your soil is poor, or if you have limited sunny space, is to plant in containers. There are all kinds to choose from; plastic or clay pots or wooden planters in many shapes and sizes. In general get the biggest ones that are practical for you so your plants will have plenty of root room, and because larger pots dry out more slowly. For good sized plants like tomatoes or peppers or large flowers, depth should be 12 to 18 inches. Smaller plants like herbs, lettuce, and more compact flower varieties can grow in smaller pots. The most important things to remember when gardening in containers is that the soil mix must have a good loose texture that will hold moisture and won't pack down over time. You can buy many good brands of premixed planting mix from your local garden center to fill your containers. Don't use your garden or yard soil as it will get too compacted for good root growth and the moisture won't wet it evenly. Remember that you will be supplying all the food and water to plants in containers since their roots aren't in the ground where they can reach for nutrients and water in a larger area. Good moisture retention is critical, as is good drainage, so plan to fertilize and water all container plants very regularly.

Making The Garden Bed

Once you've decided on the size and location of your new garden, early spring weather has arrived, and the soil is ready to work, the first outdoor task is to prepare the garden soil. Mark out the garden area and using a digging fork, garden spade, shovel, or a rototiller, (convenient and fast, but not critically necessary), loosen the soil to a depth of 12 to 18 inches. If you live in an area where your soil is very dry, water first to make it easier to work, but make sure you don't ever dig when the soil is too muddy. Turn over the soil 7 to 10 inches deep and break up the clumps, removing rocks, branches and weeds. Mark out paths so you can make "beds" where plants are to grow. As noted above, two to three foot wide beds make ample planting areas and they are not too wide to reach across from both sides to weed, water or harvest. Once you have worked up your soil, walk only on your paths so you don't compact the soil and lose the nice fluffy quality you are working to create in the planting areas.


Most vegetables are heavy feeders and require a soil well supplied with plant food and organic matter. Do not attempt gardening without using fertilizer. Do not use fresh manure during the growing season because it may burn young plants. Do not use fresh leaves except as mulch. Compost also works well as a side dressing material.

Now add a layer of 3 or 4 inches of well-rotted organic material to the beds and turn it in until it is as crumbly and even as possible. At the same time you can incorporate other fertilizers. Especially in new gardens, the organic material you've added won't supply enough nitrogen soon enough to feed your first plantings. Follow fertilizer package instructions and work in well to the top 4 to 6 inches of soil of the bed so it will be available to the shallow feeder roots of young seedlings. Finally, smooth the surface of the soil with a rake to make a fine-textured seed bed. The goal is to have finer soil on the top and coarser down below, providing for good water percolation and drainage.

Although it may still be too chilly to plant your warm weather crops in early spring, go ahead and prepare the soil for them at the same time you are digging and fertilizing the other beds and getting ready to plant your cool season varieties. This will give you a head start and will also let some early weeds germinate which can be scraped off with the rake when you are ready to plant. This will result in less weeds to come up later with your summer sowings.

The three nutrients used most by your plants are the so-called macronutrients, Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Nitrogen stimulates green leaf growth and form's proteins and chlorophyll. Phosphorus contributes to root, flower and fruit development, as well as disease resistance. Potassium promotes stem and root growth and the synthesis of proteins. Well-made compost will supply most of these needs. You can also add slow acting soil feeders such as bone meal and cottonseed or blood meal, or use commercial granulated fertilizers in preparing the soil for planting. Be sure to follow directions for amounts to add; more is not necessarily better.

It will pay to use a balanced commercial fertilizer in the rows 10 days to 14 days before planting. This type of fertilizer (13-13-13 or 8-8-8) contains the three basic materials necessary for plant growth -- nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash.

Use a balanced fertilizer such as 13-13-13 at the rate of 3 to 5 pounds per 100 feet of row. Spread it over the row and mix it 4 to 5 inches deep. The exact amount to use for each vegetable is determined by the kind of vegetable grown. Leafy vegetables usually require more fertilizer than pod vegetables.

Preparing The Rows

Preparation of the spring garden should start in the fall or winter before. The first step is to clean out the plot. Remove all grass, weeds, vines, and plant stubble. Spread the usual fall application of barnyard manure or compost over the plot and hoe under.

How will you arrange the plants in your garden? For many vegetables, we recommend planting in wide rows or beds. Planting beds 3 feet wide are easy to reach into from either side. Make wide enough walking paths so you can move around the plants easily to water, weed and harvest. Some crops, like corn and potatoes are often planted in blocks. Plant corn in a block with at least 4 rows side by side rather than one long row because it is pollinated by the wind rather than by flying insects. When the tassel at the top of each plant is full of pollen, the wind must shake down showers of it to fall on the silks emerging from each tiny ear or you won't get well-filled out, plump ears. Sprawling plants like melons and squash are sown in well-enriched, slightly mounded planting circles called "hills" with about 4-6 feet of space between each hill for the vines to grow into.

If you make the rows by midwinter, the winter weather will help in having a loose soil for early spring planting. When planting time comes in the early spring, all that will be necessary before planting is to "freshen up" the top of the rows for planting small seeds. If rows are too low after the winter rains, remake them and allow time to settle before planting.


The chief purpose of cultivation is to keep down weeds and grass. Cultivate shallow and as often as needed. There is no set time to do this job, but the best time is while the grass and weeds are small.


Select seed varieties that do well in your area and plant fresh seeds each year. Seeds more than one year old, bought or home-saved, should be tested before planting. If you're unsure of the quality of your seeds, do a germination test before using them. Place 10 to 20 seeds from a packet between moist pieces of paper towels inside a plastic bag. Place the bag in a warm location (70 to 90 degrees F). If more than half the seeds germinate within a week or two then you can be assured that the seeds are good. Buy seeds from a reliable seed dealer and get enough for at least two plantings. Getting your seeds early will insure your getting the varieties you want.

Now you have laid out the soil in your garden site with delineated walking paths and planting beds that have a fine, smooth surface. The soil is loosened down deep so the plant roots will be able to extend easily in all directions to find nutrients, and water will percolate down well. The top surface of the soil is very fine and flat so tiny seeds won't fall down in between clods where they will be buried too deeply to germinate.

Now it is time to put the seeds in the ground, or "sow" them. You can sow seeds in rows in the beds or broadcast them in a wide swath covering the whole bed. To sow seeds in rows, first read the packet backs of the individual varieties to get an idea of how far apart rows should be and how far apart seeds should be spaced in the rows. Make shallow furrows in the soil about 1/2 inch deep and a few inches apart using a stick or the handle of a rake or hoe. Then empty some seeds from the packet into the palm of your hand, and closing the palm gently, turn your hand over and let the seeds fall out slowly, using your thumb and forefinger to direct them into the furrow. This is a little quicker than picking up each seed and dropping it in one at a time. Never put all the seed in your hand at once in case of accidents or mistakes.

Move slowly along the path and try to sow the seed as thinly as possible. Don't worry if it seems like you're dropping too many, this is a learned skill and you'll get better with practice. Then pull in the soil from the sides of the furrow and crumble it in to cover the seeds. Generally you should cover relative to the thickness of the seed; tiny seeds should be covered very lightly, larger seeds more thickly. Packet backs tell you how deep to plant seed and also tell you which seeds should have the soil firmed over them because they need especially good soil contact. (Beets and chard are two examples of irregularly shaped seeds that need firm soil contact for good germination.)

With great big seeds like peas, beans and corn, you use a different sowing method. It is easier to place them on the soil first to space them, then poke them into the soil, filling in the poke holes as you go by smoothing the soil in the bed with your hand to level it out. Some packet backs recommend sowing seeds in the entire wide bed instead of in single rows. This works very well for root vegetables such as beets and carrots, and salad crops and greens because you can take advantage of planting space if you don't have to leave walking paths between each row. Also as you harvest each plant, the leaves of the ones next to it will grow and fill in the space, shading the soil from drying by the sun. Note: Be sure to mark each row or bed with the name of the plant sown there and the date.

Cover freshly sown seeds with fine soil or use prepared soil mix for a more water-retentive material. To cover seeds sown in a bed, sprinkle the soil lightly over them about 1/4 to 1 inch deep according to the thickness of the seed. Consult packet backs for specifics. Water gently and carefully with a fine spray at this stage to avoid washing the little seeds from their soil bed. Seeds need even and constant moisture to germinate and the topmost layer of the soil bed may dry out if there are no rains and the weather warms up in the day. Check the surface of the bed carefully every day to see if it is evenly moist until the seeds are all germinated and growing well; it really pays to give extra attention to this vulnerable germination period.

In dry hot climates you will probably need to water twice a day. It is best to sprinkle after the sun is up in the morning and not too late in the evening to keep water from over-chilling seedlings at night. Use a hose attachment with a fine spray or a gentle sprinkler to irrigate seed beds. Tiny seeds that are sown close to the surface, like carrots, are especially susceptible to germination problems if the top inches of soil are not kept evenly moist.

You'll always start by sowing many more seeds you actually plan to let mature. This is because not every seed germinates even in ideal conditions, and you want extra seedlings "for insurance" to cover inevitable and ordinary losses to inclement weather or pests like insects, deer, birds or rodents. Also, you'll be choosing only the best and healthiest plants to grow to harvest; this important process of selection is called "thinning out" and is a very important part of successful gardening. Many customers ask how to store leftover unused seeds. Most varieties will keep easily for the next growing season provided they are kept cool and dry. Never leave seed packets outside in the garden or in an unheated garden shed or garage, because high humidity and dampness will ruin them. A sealed mason jar or ziplock bag is an ideal storage container. Keep seeds in your coolest room, or better still, in a refrigerator and plan to use them the next season.

Times For Seed Germination In Warm Moist Soil

Beans5 to 10
Beets7 to 10
Cabbage5 to 10
Carrots12 to 18
Cauliflower5 to 10
Corn5 to 8
Cucumber6 to 10
Endive5 to 10
Lettuce6 to 8
Onion7 to 10
Peas6 to 10
Parsnips10 to 20
Parsley15 to 21
Pepper9 to 14
Radish3 to 6
Spinach7 to 12
Salsify7 to 12
Tomato7 to 12
Turnip4 to 8


Seed boxes are used for growing early plants while you wait for good weather for planting outdoors. You can start plants such as tomato, pepper, and eggplant from seeds planted in small wooden boxes. Grow the plants for 7 to 8 weeks in the seed box and then set them in the open. You want to set only the healthy, strong plants.


Are the weeds growing just as fast, or even faster, than your vegetables in the garden? Weeds can make the vegetable garden an unsightly place to visit and will reduce the quality and quantity of your harvest.

Mulching is an option to routine cultivation and hand pulling of these volunteer plants. Mulching involves covering the soil around the vegetables so that light cannot reach the soil surface. When done correctly, this eliminates all but the most persistent weeds.

Many different materials can be used around vegetables. Black plastic is most effective around large and widely spaced plants, such as squashes, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers. And these crops really benefit from the weed control and extra warmth the black plastic provides. However, black plastic also provides an ideal environment for slugs. During wet growing seasons, these pests can present problems almost equal to that caused by weeds.

Organic alternatives to plastic mulch include herbicide-free grass clippings, weed-free straw or the white pages of the newspaper. Organic mulches help moderate soil temperature, reduce evaporation from the soil, and can be incorporated into the soil or placed in the compost pile at the end of the season as a source of organic matter. Because of their soil improving capability, organic mulches are recommended. Grass clippings and straw can be placed around all established plants easily and quickly. Newspaper sections must be anchored to the soil with rocks or soil to hold it in place.

For best results, remove all weeds from the garden prior to mulching. Thoroughly irrigate the garden prior to putting the mulch in place or time its placement after a soaking rain. If your choice is black plastic, cut slits in the sheeting to allow for air and water movement into the soil. Carefully anchor the plastic to the soil prior to planting the garden area. Grass clippings and straw will need to be spread at least 2 inches thick to be effective. And, these mulches will need to be replenished during the season as they decay.


There is no set time to water the garden. Just be sure the leaves are dry when the sun goes down. If you row water, drip irrigate, or flood the garden, it can be watered at any time. If you sprinkle, be sure to turn off the water at least 2 hours before sundown. Apply at least 1 inch of water per week when it doesn't rain.


Watch for insect infestation. If things are properly spaced in your garden, insects shouldn't be a big problem. If you do see evidence of chewing on plants, especially things like cabbage, don't wait to fight back. Identify the insect causing the damage and choose an insecticide or insecticidal soap that will control that specific insect. Proper spacing, weeding and fertilizing is a good way to prevent disease and insect infestation without having to resort to harmful insecticides.

Crop Rotation

To reduce the likelihood of plant diseases becoming a problem in your vegetable garden, do not grow the same crop in the same area of your garden each year. Rotate the crops by family and not by individual vegetable. Plant related crops (crops in the same family) in the same place only once every three or four years. For example, follow your tomatoes with peas or pole beans, followed by trellised cucumbers or squashes the second year, sunflowers the third year, and then back to tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potato, or tomatillo.

Harvesting Vegetables

One of the major benefits of growing your own vegetables is being able to harvest them when they're fully ripe and at their peak of freshness. In general, the best time to harvest is in the morning just after the foliage has dried. The plant has just had the night to recover from heat and water stresses common during summer days. Fruits and vegetables will be at their top quality then. Cooler temperatures in the morning also make the job less stressful for the gardener. Once harvested, don't let vegetables sit in the sun. Move them indoors as quickly as possible.

Know Your Vegetables

Vegetables may be classified by their resistance to frosts and cold. By knowing this, you can tell what and when to plant for best production. The four general groups of vegetables are hardy, half hardy, tender, and very tender.

Vegetables in the hardy group can withstand hard frosts and can be planted 2 to 3 weeks before the last killing frost in the spring or as soon as the soil can be prepared. The half-hardy group contains vegetables that can withstand light frosts. The seeds will germinate at low temperatures. These vegetables are planted about the time of the last killing frost.

Seeds of cool season plants can sprout or "germinate" when the soil is still cool; you don't have to wait until the nights warm up and they can handle some spring frosts. It is time to prepare the garden for planting cool season crops in your area when the soil is "ready to work". This means in early spring when the earth is no longer frozen in northern climates, and in milder areas when heavy spring rains have subsided and soil is no longer muddy or sodden. Crops that are best started in the earliest spring weather are all the leafy greens and salads such as lettuce, spinach, chard and oriental greens, and the brassica family which includes broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and kale.

Radishes, peas and turnips can be planted in cool weather too. A few weeks later, plant root crops like carrots and beets. All these vegetables not only germinate and grow best when the soil is still cool, but they give the best tasting harvests if they can make their growth before the weather gets too hot.

There are also some vegetables that can be planted in both cool and warm seasons, such as chard and beets; you can sow them in spring for summer harvests, then again in late summer. There are some warm season, heat loving plants like tomatoes, eggplants and peppers that will always need to be started from seeds in containers indoors instead of planting the seeds outside in the garden. This is because they require a very long growing season.

Warm Season Crops

TenderVery Tender
Beans (snap)Beans (lima)
Corn (sweet)Cucumbers
New Zealand SpinachCantaloupe

Cool Season Crops

HardyHalf hardy
Brussels sproutsBeets
Chinese CabbageCelery
KohlrabiPotato, Irish
OnionSwiss Chard
Peas (English)

Vegetables And How To Grow Them

Asparagus variety--Mary Washington. Plant crowns or roots in winter or early spring, setting roots 18 inches apart in 3 1/2- to 4-foot rows. Use plenty of well-composted organic matter. Open trench in rows 6 inches deep and 12 inches wide. Spread roots carefully, then fill in over each crown with 3 to 4 inches of loose, fertile soil. Cultivation must be shallow.

Do not cut asparagus for table use the first spring, though you may expect a light cutting the second year. Cut for 4 to 5 weeks, then let stalks grow. After frost each fall, cut tops, remove them from garden, and burn. Cover beds with 3 to 4 inches of barnyard manure in late fall.

Beans, bush snap. This vegetable will produce in 55 days. Make plantings every 10 days to 2 weeks from March to May and one fall planting in August. Distance between rows should be 24 to 36 inches. Plant seed in continuous row with seeds 2 inches apart in row. Cover seeds 1 inch deep. Dust for bean beetles. Do not cultivate or pick beans when plants are wet.

Beans, pole snap. Make at least three plantings from April to August. Space rows 3 to 4 feet apart. Drop seeds three per hill in hills 18 inches apart or plant in continuous drill with seeds 6 to 8 inches apart.

Provide poles or wire and string for vines before they begin to climb.

Beans, bush lima. Make a planting every 4 to 5 weeks from April to August. Plant as recommended for bush snap beans.

Beans, pole lima. Make at least two plantings from April to mid-July. Plant, thin, and support as for pole snap bean.

Beets. Plant any time from February to April for spring crop, in late August or September for fall crop. Rows should be 24 to 36 inches apart. You can use double rows 10 inches apart, with each double row 36 inches apart, if space is limited. You can also do this with carrots, lettuce, onions, radishes, English peas, and other early crops.

In planting beets, open a shallow drill (trench), sow two or three seeds to each inch of row, and cover 1/2 inch deep. When plants are 3 inches tall, thin to a spacing of 4 inches. Plants removed can be reset if they are needed.

Cabbage. Buy healthy plants for spring planting. Set in rows 24 to 36 inches apart, spacing plants 12 inches apart in row. May be planted from January to April. Feed cabbage plenty of nitrogen. Side dress with 1 pound ammonium nitrate to each 100 feet of row when plants are well established.

Carrots. Plant spring crop from February through April; fall crop in August, September, and early October. Sow seed, placing four to six seeds to the inch. A few radish seeds mixed with carrots in seed row will mark row and help carrot seedlings through ground. Thin carrots to stand 2 inches apart.

Chard, Swiss. Plant like beets, but thin plants to 12-inch spacing when 3 inches tall.

Collards. Sow seed in spring or fall. Thin to 15-inch spacing. Fertilize with ammonium nitrate as for cabbage.

Corn, sweet. Do not save seed. Make at least four plantings, beginning in March. Plant 2 to 3 weeks apart. Plant three seeds to a hill 12 inches apart and thin to one stalk per hill. Fertilize heavily. Do not pull suckers.

Cucumbers. Plant seed in continuous drill with seeds 9 to 12 inches apart. Water if possible in dry weather. Pick regularly.

Eggplant. Sow seed in seedbox or hotbed in January or February. Set in garden after danger of frost is past, spacing plants 18 to 24 inches apart.

Lettuce, head. Plant in January or February in seedbox, if necessary. Transplant or thin plants to spacing of 12 inches. Lettuce needs rich soil.

Lettuce, leaf. Sow in January, February, March, or April. Thin to 4-inch spacing. Make fall planting in August or September.

Mustard. Sow every 3 or 4 weeks in February, March, and April and again in August and September. Thin plants to 1-inch spacing. Eat plants pulled in thinning.

Okra. Plant after danger of frost is past, sowing seed thick enough to assure a stand. Leave plants 18 inches apart. One planting will bear until frost.

Onion. Buy plants or sets or get sets of multipliers from your neighbors. Plant in garden in early spring, spacing onion plants or sets 3 inches apart. Thin those to store to 6 inches apart, eating green onions that are removed. Use rich soil for onions. Cultivate often and shallow. Pull to store when tops die down.

Peas, English. Plant several varieties from January to April. Sow seed 1 inch apart in double rows 12 inches apart and place support of brush, wire, or string, between each double row.

Pepper, hot. Plant seed in January or February in seedbox or hotbed. Set plants 2 feet apart in row after danger of frost is past. Six to 12 plants are enough.

Peppers, sweet. Cultivate same as for hot pepper. May need to stake large plants. Stake like tomatoes.

Potato, Irish. Plant spring crop in January, February, and March, and fall crop in August. Cut seed pieces with two eyes, the size of an egg or larger, and plant 6 inches deep 12 inches apart. Use potatoes from spring crop for fall crop, sprouting seed in July under moist sacks, straw, or soil. Plant 5 to 6 inches deep in August.

Radish. Plant 10 to 15 feet of row every 2 weeks in February, March, and April, also in September and October. Sow seed 1/2 of an inch apart and 1/2 of an inch deep. Thin to 2 inches.

Spinach. Plant any time in winter between October and March. Sow 1 inch deep and thin plants to 3 inches apart. Use ammonium nitrate as side dressing when plants are 2 inches tall.

Squash. Sow two to three seed in hills 36 inches apart. Thin to one plant after the danger of frost is past.

Tomato. Sow seed in seedbox or hotbed in February or March. Transplant to plant boxes or cold frame when 2 to 3 inches high. Set plants in open garden after danger of frost is past. Set plants in rows 3 to 4 feet apart with plants 18 to 36 inches apart in row. Prune early crop to one or two stems and tie to a 5-foot stake. Do not prune the fall crop as heavily. Sow seed in June for fall crop. Mulch tomatoes in June.

Turnip and tendergreen. Plant February to April and for fall garden in September. Sow seed 1/2-inch deep in rows or broadcast over wide bed.

Watermelon. Plant seeds in April and May, six to eight seed in hill, 6 feet apart in rows 10 feet apart. Thin plants to two to hill.

Distance Between Plants In Row

Beans bush, snap3 to 6
Pole, snap4 to12
Bush, lima3 to 6
Pole, lima4 to12
Chinese cabbage12
Carrots2 to 3
Collards8 to 18
Cucumbers12 to 18
Lettuce, leaf4 to 8
Lettuce, head12
Okra12 to 18
Onions3 to 4
Parsley4 to 6
Peas, English2
Peas, field4 to 6
Potato, Irish12
Potato, sweet12
Tomatoes18 to 36
Watermelon4 feet to 6 feet

Fall Gardening

Garden plots that were too wet for the spring garden may be just right for a fall garden. The fall garden should be located on soil that is loose, holds some moisture, and contains some organic matter or plant food.
Fall Planting List
Beans, bush snapMustard
Beans, bush limaOnion sets
Beans, pole snapParsley
Beans, pole limaPotato, Irish
Broccoli Radish
Chard, SwissSpinach
Chinese cabbageTendergreens
Lettuce, leafTurnips
Lettuce, headRape
Tomatoes and beans will bear until frost as will okra, pepper, and eggplant (carry-overs from the summer garden). You can have fresh leafy vegetables from the garden until January.

Planting the Fall Garden

Moisture is most important in fall gardening. To get a quick stand of plants during a droughty period, practice these points:
  1. Cultivate the row thoroughly and open deep- seed drill, 4 to 5 inches deep.
  2. Fill drill with water.
  3. Sow seeds twice as thick as for spring planting.
  4. Cover seeds with dry soil and do not water again until plants are up, unless you can use some covering, such as straw, on top of the row to prevent baking of the soil.
  5. Use hoe or rake to press soil over seeds.

Useful Garden Tables

Fertilizer2 Cupfuls Weigh Approximately
Superphosphate1 pound
Muriate of potash1 pound
Limestone1 1/4 pounds
Mixed fertilizer (e.g.,13-13-13)1 pound
Cottonseed meal3/4 pound
Nitrate of soda1 3/4 pounds
Ammonium nitrate3/4 pound
Sulfate of ammonia3/4 pound
One bushel of moist manure (loose) weighs about30 pounds
One bushel of leaves or straw (packed) weighs about12-15 pounds
Example: If you want to weigh out 5 pounds of 13-13-13 fertilizer, by looking in the label you will find 1 pint (2 cupfuls) weighs approximately 1 pound, so you would measure out 10 level cupfuls. For 5 pounds of nitrate of soda, you would measure out 8 cupfuls.

The Average Life In Years For Vegetable Seeds
Note: Some seeds are known to survive much longer.

Asparagus 3Collards 3Radish 4
Bush Lima beans 3Eggplant 4Spinach 3
Pole Lima beans 3Lettuce 6Squash (Summer) 4
Snap Beans 3Mustard 3Squash (Winter) 4
Beets 4Okra 1Sweet Corn 3
Broccoli 5Parsley 1Swiss Chard 4
Cabbage 4Onions 1Tomato 3
Carrots 3Peas 3Turnip 4
Cauliflower 4Peppers 2Watermelon 5
Cucumber 5Pumpkin 4New Zealand Spinach 3

Fresh Vegetables Needed To Can One QuartAmount
Beans, lima in pod4 -5 lb
Beans, snap1 1/2 lb
Beets, without tops2 1/2-3 lb
Carrots, without tops2 1/2-3 lb
Corn, sweet, in husks6-16 ears
Okra1 1/2 lb
Peas, green, in pod2-2 1/2 lb
Spinach or greens2-3 lb
Squash, summer2-2 1/2 lb
Example: It would take 1 1/2 to 2 pounds of green snap beans to can one quart.


Sales Tax Simplified

It seems like the Dynamics GP forums are alive with sales tax questions lately. So, I thought I might tackle this one in the same manner that I do in the classroom-- by breaking it down in to steps. I treat sales tax as a three step process.

1. Document Default
2. Item or Setup Default (depending on if you are working with Receivables or Sales Order Processing, for example)
3. Tax schedule comparison

So, for this post, we are going to keep it simple and look at taxes in Receivables Management and Payables Management. I promise another post on Sales Order Processing and Purchase Order Processing next week :) But, for now, lets keep it simple.

Let's start with Step 1. There is one key setup that can impact the tax schedule that appears on a document (whether it be Payables or Receivables) by default. In your company setup, Tools>>Setup>>Company>>Company>>Options, there is a setting to Use Shipping Method to Determine Default Tax Schedule.
  • If this option is marked, then the tax schedule that appears on the transaction will be dependent on whether the shipping method is a pickup or delivery method (more on this later).
  • If this option is unmarked, then the tax schedule that defaults on the transaction will always be the Vendor Address' schedule (on Payables) or the Customer Address' schedule (for Receivables)

Now, let's look at Step 2. Now, Step 2 assumes that in your setup you have chosen Advanced for your tax calculations (Tools>>Setup>>Purchasing/Sales>>Payables/Receivables>>Options) rather than Single Schedule. Single schedule will always charge according to Vendor or Customer Address' schedule without Step 2 or Step 3.

In Step 2, we need to find the setup schedule (in Payables or Receivables). This is the schedule specified for each amount (Purchases, Sales, Freight, Misc, etc) in the setup options window mentioned above. In most examples in training manuals, these schedules are setup to include ALL DETAILS.

So, in Step 3, the schedule from the document (Step 1) is compared to the schedule from setup (Step 2). Details that the two schedules are compared, and only those that exist in both places are calculated.

Easy right? I know, I know..you are probably saying, huh? So, lets look at an example. Let's say that I have the following tax schedules set up:

  • MOTAX: Contains the MOSTATE, KCCITY, MOSPEC, and JCKCTY Details which will be assigned to my Missouri based customers
  • KSTAX: Contains the KSSTATE and KCKCITY Details which will be assigned to my Kansas based customers
  • VALID: Contains the MOSTATE, KCCITY, JCKCTY, KSSTATE, KCKCITY which contains all of the currently valid tax details. I have purposely left off MOSPEC, it was a special tax that was only charged last year in MO and is no longer valid.

I set up my customer ABC AUTO with the tax schedule MOTAX, and I assign KSTAX as the default tax schedule for sales in Company Setup. VALID is specified in my Receivables Management Setup as the tax schedule for Sales.

Let's assume that we have chosen to have shipping method determine default tax schedule. So if I enter a Receivables invoice for ABC AUTO, the tax schedule will default as follows:

  • Shipping Method with a delivery type: MOTAX (from Customer Address)
  • Shipping Method with a pickup type: KSTAX (from Company Setup)

So, lets assume I use a Shipping Method with a delivery type, so MOTAX defaults. This would then be compared to the VALID tax schedule specified in setup. What is in common?

  • MOSTATE, KCCITY, JCKCTY are the only taxes that would be calculated, since MOSPEC did not exist in the tax schedule in Receivables Management setup for comparison

I think of the tax schedule specified in setup as my "control" schedule, containing all valid tax details to be used in comparison against the documents. In many cases, this would be all details. But in some cases, as outlined above, it may be easier to remove a tax detail from the one control/setup schedule than to remove it from all schedules that contain it. This is also a great approach if a tax is only valid (or invalid) for certain portions of the year (think of sales tax holidays).

Please post back your questions or comments or examples to help with the understanding. I promise more next week on distribution. Have a great weekend!

Okay, okay, okay, please feel free to give me a very hard time for the delay in posting part two in our compelling sales tax saga. Last time, we worked through the basics of defaulting and comparing tax schedules for receivables and payables transactions. So, now we can move on to Sales Order Processing and Purchase Order Processing, where inventory items can impact the taxes that are calculated. The examples that follow assume that you have marked to use shipping method to determine default tax schedule in your company setup (as discussed in our previous post). Again, let's look at taxes as a three step process.

1. Document Default
2. Line Item Default
3. Tax Schedule Comparison

So, step one works pretty much the same as it did in our earlier post. However, we need to take it a step further by considering the inventory site, like the following examples (assuming you are registered for inventory) in Sales Order Processing:
  • Shipping Method Delivery: Default tax schedule assigned to Customer's Ship To Address
  • Shipping Method Pickup: Default tax schedule assigned to the Site

Now, although I call this a "document" default, because Shipping Method and Site can vary by line item in Sales Order Processing and Purchase Order Processing, this default actually is stored by line item.

So, what about Step 2? Well Step 2 takes in to consideration the inventory item card (or the Sales Order/Purchase Order Setup when dealing with non-inventory items). There are three possible settings for inventory items for Sales and Purchase taxes:

  • Nontaxable: No tax is ever charged for this item
  • Base on Customer/Vendor: This will charge according to the shipping method
  • Taxable: Specify a tax schedule that represents all possible tax details to be charged on this item, more on this later...

So, let's work through a couple examples. First, let's look at the Base on Customer setting. Let's assume that we have entered an invoice for our customer ABC AUTO. They want all items to be shipped to them (Shipping Method- Delivery) at their Missouri location which is assigned to the tax schedule MOTAX which includes the MOCITY and MOSTATE tax details.

Let's say that ABC AUTO buys two items from us, the first item is a gift basket, BASKETOFUN. BASKETOFUN is set with the sales tax option of Base on Customer. So what does that do? If we were to click the item number expansion arrow for this line in Sales Transaction Entry, we would see the following information being stored in the Sales Item Detail Entry window:

  • Shipping Method: Delivery
  • Ship To Tax Schedule: MOTAX
  • Item Tax Option: Base on Customer
  • Item Tax Schedule: n/a

Therefore, in this example, all details in MOTAX would be calculated. Now, let's shake it up and say that this particular line item changed to a Shipping Method of Pickup. Let's say that this line item is being sold from our NORTH site with the tax schedule NYTAX. We would then see the following in the Sales Item Detail Entry window:

  • Shipping Method: Pickup
  • Site Tax Schedule: NYTAX
  • Item Tax Option: Base on Customer
  • Item Tax Schedule: n/a

So, in this scenario, what taxes would be calculated? All details in the NYTAX schedule would be calculated. Sometimes this scenario is confusing to users, because the item is set to Base on Customers. But what that really means is that the item's taxability is based on the Shipping Method itself, and how the tax schedule defaults.

But, wait, I said that we sold two items right? So let's look at the next item that ABC AUTO bought. They bought our new virtual gift basket, VIRTUALBASKET. Now, some states tax the virtual gift basket, and others do not. So we have set up the VIRTUALBASKET with a sales tax option of Taxable. We have then assigned a special tax schedule to it called VIRTUAL, which includes the taxes that are calculated on virtual products. In our case, let's say that it includes the MOSTATE, KSSTATE, and COSTATE tax details.

If we look at the Sales Item Detail Entry, we would see:

  • Shipping Method: Delivery
  • Ship to Tax Schedule: MOTAX
  • Item Tax Option: Taxable
  • Item Tax Schedule: VIRTUAL

Which taxes would be calculated? Only those that are common between MOTAX and VIRTUAL, in this case the MOSTATE detail would be calculated.

But, let's mix it up and say that the customer has asked that this item be shipped to their California location which is assigned to the CATAX schedule (which includes the CASTATE and CACITY tax details). So, let's look a the Sales Item Detail Entry again with these details:

  • Shipping Method: Delivery
  • Ship to Tax Schedule: CATAX
  • Item Tax Option: Taxable
  • Item Tax Schedule: VIRTUAL

Which taxes would be calculated in this scenario? None, because the CATAX schedule does not have any details in common with VIRTUAL. This is correct, since we said that our item was only taxable by Missouri (MOSTATE), Kansas (KSSTATE), and Colorado (COSTATE) not by California.

So, the Taxable option for items creates the most flexibility when you have items that are taxed in some states and other items taxed in all states (or different states). I have found this comes in to play quite often with technology products, including software downloads, where some states are more aggressive in taxing these items than others.

Clear as mud? Share you questions, hints, etc and I am happy to update the post--from Alaska, where I am this week teaching :)


Land of the Landed Costs- Part 1 & 2

Landed cost is the total cost it takes to "land" an item on your doorstep, including additional charges like freight, customs, and processing. More and more, I find that companies are interested in landed cost as they increase the use of international suppliers and manufacturers. By using landed cost, the "total" cost of the item is reflected in inventory and is valued as an asset, rather than immediately expensing those additional costs. Take the following example, where I purchase a widget from my European supplier:
  • Purchase 100 widgets @ $20/each
  • Overseas shipping costs are $1500
  • Customs, Duties, and other Processing Fees are $500
  • Domestic shipping costs are $400
If I were to value my widgets only at the cost from my vendor, the cost in inventory would be $2000 for the 100 widgets at $20/each. And then I would expense the additional $2400 in costs.
The situation changes though, if I am using landed costs. Using the same costs above, I would value my inventory at $4400 dollars in total, or 100 widgets at $44/each. Perhaps a more accurate picture of the inventory value? In turn, this increased cost will affect my Cost of Goods Sold on the sales side, impacting my margin appropriately.
So, now that we have an example, how about talking through how Landed Costs work in Dynamics GP? With Landed Costs in Dynamics GP, these costs can be:
  • Recorded as an estimate amount on a receipt
  • Matched to an invoice and revalued to provide a more accurate amount
There are five key aspects to Landed Costs in Dynamcs GP from my perspective:
  • Landed Cost Setup: Includes setup of individual landed costs, landed cost groups, and assignment to item/site combinations
  • Purchase Order Landed Cost: Assigning landed cost groups to POs
  • Receivings Landed Cost: Recording of landed cost groups on Receipts
  • Receivings Landed Cost Apportionment: Apportionment of landed costs across an entire receipt
  • Invoicing Landed Cost: Recording invoices for landed cost vendors and matching them back to the original product receipts
Let's take a look at each aspect. In this post, I will cover the setup items. And in my next post, I will cover the actual transaction entry. First, Landed Cost Setup.

Cards>>Inventory>>Landed Cost

This is where you can set up each individual landed cost that you plan to track. If you plan to match invoices for the landed cost, you will want to put in a Vendor ID. Matching invoices for landed cost means that (in this example above), I could record the actual insurance invoice from Associated Insurance and match it back to the shipments from my supplier for the product I purchased.
You can also select a cost calculation method, this will be how the landed cost estimate on the receipt will be calculated. If you have chosen to match invoices, the invoice amount will be compared against the original estimate on the receipt. The resulting difference can be revalued, if Revalue Inventory for Cost Variance is marked. Otherwise, the difference will post to the Purchase Price Variance account.
The GL account specified are used in the following manner:
  • Accrued Purchase Account: Used as the offset to the landed cost estimate on receipts, and cleared when the amount is invoiced or matched to invoice.
  • Purchase Price Variance Account: Used for the variance between invoice and receipt when matching invoices but not revaluing.
Note that no inventory or expense account is specified because the item's account will be used, since landed cost is updating the inventory cost/value of the item.

Cards>>Inventory>>Landed Cost Groups

Landed Cost Groups are used to organize landed costs in to sets that can be assigned to item/site combinations and/or to document line items like Purchase Orders and Receipts. An individual landed cost can exist in more than one landed cost group. You might choose to have landed cost groups to represent a set of landed costs for:
  • A specific location
  • Certain items
  • A type of shipping process
In my example above, I have chose to set up a landed cost group for my domestic shipments. It includes both the insurance costs and the freight costs. Now, I can assign this landed cost as a default for certain combinations of items and sites.


This step is not required. However, if appropriate, you can assign a landed cost group to a specific item/site combination in this window. Doing this will cause the landed cost group to default on the purchase order line item, where it can be changed if necessary.

More soon on the transaction side of all of this fun!

So, here I am with part two of the landed cost saga finally. Last time, we went through the process of setting up landed costs. In our example, we were setting up insurance costs so that the invoice from the insurance vendor could be matched back to the shipments received from the product vendor. But, before we get down the road that far, let's overview the three key ways that landed costs can be used.

Landed Costs by line item

  • Specify a landed cost group on a line item when recieved (can default from the item setup, from the purchase order, or manually entered)
  • Calculated amounts can be adjusted by line item on receipt

Landed Costs by apportionment

  • Specify an individual landed cost for the entire receipt document
  • Apportion the amount across the items on the receipt by qty, extended cost, or weight
  • Landed cost must use flat amount cost method

Landed Costs by invoice match

  • Landed cost group specified by line item on receipt (default from item setup, or from the purchase order, or manually entered)
  • Does not have to calculate an estimate amount on receipt, but it can.
  • Individual landed cost must be set up for Invoice Match, and for Revalue for Cost Variance if applicable
  • Use Enter/Match Invoices to enter an invoice from the landed cost vendor, and match it to the shipment from the product vendor

So, let's take a look at each of these options. In Landed Costs by line item, we can specify a Landed Cost Group on the Purchase Order line item.

Transactions>>Purchasing>>Purchase Order Entry, click on a line item, and then click the expansion arrow to the right of the Item header.

Remember, this value defaults from the item/site combination in Cards>>Inventory>>Quantities/Sites. However, it can be changed here to provide a different default to the receipt.

So, when we get to Transactions>>Purchasing>>Receivings Transaction Entry, the landed cost group will appear on the line item once again. You can view it in the same way as you did on the purchase order, by clicking on the line item and then clicking on the Item header expansion arrow. However, you may find it more helpful to view the actual landed costs being calculated for the line item, based on the landed cost group assigned. This can be done by clicking on the line item, and then clicking on the expansion arrow to the right of the Unit Cost header.

You can override the amounts specified here. The percentage or amount fields will be available based on the calculation method you defined for the landed cost.

Also, on the receipt, we can do Landed Costs by Apportionment. To do this, we simply click on the Landed Costs button at the bottom of the Receivings Transaction Entry window to open the Receivings Landed Cost Apportionment window.

In this window, you can select Landed Costs to apportion across the entire receipt. You must select a landed cost that is setup with a flat amount calculation method in order to select quantity, value, or weight in the "apportion by" field.

The system calculates each method as follows:

  • Quantity: (Line item's quantity shipped - the quantity rejected)/(Sum of all line items' quantity shipped- the quantity rejected)
  • Value: [(Line item's quantity shipped -the quantity rejected)*Originating Unit Cost]/Sum of all line items [(quantity shipped -the quantity rejected)*Originating Unit Cost]
  • Weight: (Line item's extended shipping weight)/(Sum of all line item's extended shipping weight)

In either case, Landed Cost by Apportionment or Landed Cost by Item, the distributions that result are the same:

  • Debit to Inventory
  • Credit to Accrued Purchases for Landed Cost (per Landed Cost Maintenance)

So, that leaves us with the last method of Landed Cost by Invoice Match. In this example, let's assume that we posted the estimated landed cost of 10% of extended for the INSCARRIER landed cost on the shipment receipt. Now, we have received an invoice from the actual insurance carrier, Associated Insurance, and find that the costs were actually much greater. Since we set up the INSCARRIER landed cost for invoice match, we can now record the invoice from Associated Insurance and match it back to the shipment from Advanced Office Systems.

To do this, we go to Transactions>>Purchasing>>Enter/Match Invoice and enter an invoice for Associated Insurance (NOT Advanced Office Systems):

There are just a few key differences in how you enter the landed cost invoice:

  • Vendor ID is the landed cost vendor
  • Mark the "LC" checkbox for the line item to identify it as a landed cost
  • Select the landed cost to match for the item (rather than an actual item)
  • Match the landed cost to the original shipment from the product vendor using the Matched to Shipment expansion button

The distributions that result depend on whether you have selected to Revalue Inventory for Cost Variance:

If you are revaluing:

  • Debit to Inventory (if cost is greater than receipt)
  • Debit to Accrued Purchases for Landed Cost
  • Credit to Accounts Payable

If you are not revaluing:

  • Debit to Purchase Price Variance for Landed Cost (if cost is greater than receipt)
  • Debit to Accrued Purchases for Landed Cost
  • Credit to Accounts Payable

So, I hope this helps clarify the different ways to approach landed cost in Dynamics GP. I find that some clients will use all three methods, but many also settle on one or two ways that work best for their goals. Please share your experiences, questions, etc.

Remote Desktop Nirvana

Every once in a while, I stumble across some feature, option, utility, or application that simultaneously makes me say "Wow! That's amazing!", and "D'oh! I should have known about that!". These are great features / options / utilities / apps that are no secret, but aren't necessarily well publicized.

I received an e-mail at 9:30pm this Saturday evening from a client who suddenly started getting errors from a GP related SQL Server job. We started a GoToMeeting session to look at the SQL Server issue, and as soon as I saw his desktop I noticed something out of the ordinary. He said "We're looking at Server A now, but if you want to look at Server B, just click it in the list on the left."

This is what I saw:

Never having seen this before, I asked him if this was some type of 3rd party server management app that he uses--perhaps like a VNC or Citrix management console of some kind, something I have seen at other clients. "No, it's just part of the Server 2003 Admin Pack."

Sure enough, this is a fantastic utility included in the free Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack. The tools pack includes several tools, but the one I was most interested in is the "Remote Desktops" MMC snap-in.

The Tools can be downloaded here. Just make sure to download the SP1 version, as the original version, which is still available for download, does not allow you to connect to a Terminal Server running on a port other than 3389. After installation, the Remote Desktops app should appear under your Administrative Tools program group.

This MMC snap-in allows you to save multiple RDP profiles in a single place, avoiding the need for multiple RDP files ( I currently have 13 of them sitting on my desktop) or hunting through the MRU (most recently used) list on the Remote Desktop Connection app window. Once you setup the server connections, with just a single click on a server name on the left, you can quickly login to a server and also switch from one RDP session to another.

It doesn't offer all of the connection options of the Terminal Services Client, but I generally don't need the extra options:

And something that I find very valuable: It allows you to have an RDP session that will automatically fill the MMC window, regardless of size or aspect ratio. You can choose to fill the MMC window, choose a standard desktop size, or even specify a custom resolution.

So I'm no longer limited to the standard 1024, 1280, or full screen options. (That is actually the only feature I appreciated in Virtual PC vs. virtual server--the ability to dynamically resize the VPC window.) I like the size and convenience of the Terminal Server Client full screen mode, but it's a hassle when I need to minimize or move the RDP window out of the way, or when I have to work with multiple sessions in full screen mode.

The Remote Desktops app effectively let's me have several simultaneous near-full-screen sessions in a single desktop app. Very handy when jumping between different servers throughout the day.

If you are only working in a single RDP connection at a time, the standard MS TSC app in full screen mode is great, as it gives you ALT+Tab, the Windows key, and other shortcuts that aren't available otherwise. But if you have to bounce between multiple servers, the Remote Desktops utility is much more convenient.

Because it is an MMC snap-in, it does have the standard MMC navigation and UI quirks, but given what it offers, it's a great solution.

UPDATE: Reader Jivtesh brought up an excellent point: What about this feature in Server 2008? He informed me that it is a standard feature in Windows Server 2008, but after looking for it, I didn't see an icon for it under Administrative Tools.

It appears that it may not have an icon by default in Server 2008, but it is present by default, and is very easy to get working.

Here is the KB article with instructions.

To open Remote Desktops from the MMC
  1. Click Start, click Run, type mmc in the Open box, and then click OK.

  2. On the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in.

  3. In the Available snap-ins list, click Remote Desktops, and then click Add.

  4. Click OK.

You can then do File --> Save As to save an MSC file that you can launch to open Remote Desktops.