
Are there any Retail Point of Sale features controlled by Dex.ini settings?

Article ID: 11661

Question: Are there any Retail Point of Sale features controlled by Dex.ini settings?

Answer: Yes. The following is a list of Dex.ini switches that affect POS.

EditSalesperson=TRUE (makes the salesperson ID field editable in the Line Details window).

POSManualPromotions=TRUE (does not search for and apply promos automatically. Clerk must manually enter promotion ID).

(the Great Plains customer lookup will open rather than the default POS mailist lookup window (new in version 8)).

CompassPreventOverSell=TRUE (Adding this line will prevent a non-POS-manager user from tabbing past the quantity field on line items where the quantity sold is greater than the quantity available).

NoPrintDialogs=TRUE (this will prohibit the print dialog from opening each time a receipt or report is submitted for printing. Stopping the print dialog expedites transaction processing, but once set, doesn't give the user a choice of where to print.)

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