
The Low Down on Bulk Mail Permits

Wow! You’re still reading after the title. That must mean you need some help with a bulk mail permit. I’m here to help.

Before getting a bulk mail permit, consider the following:

  • You will spend $360 to get the permit. ($180 for application fee and $180 for annual fee). Will the money saved having the bulk-mail permit cover these fees?
  • Ex.- A first class stamp is $0.42. Bulk mail rate is roughly $0.17 per piece. The savings is $0.25 per piece. Therefore, the break even point is 1,440 pieces over the course of the year. This would drop to 720 pieces after year one since you will not pay the application fee again.
  • If you will be mailing more than 1,440 pieces then consider getting the bulk-mail permit

Step 1: Complete Form 3615, Mailing Permit Application and Customer Profile.

Step 2: Complete From 3624, Application to Mail at Nonprofit Standard Mail Rates.

  • At a minimum you will need to complete all questions in Part 1.
  • You will also need to complete the top half of the “Checklist for PS Form 3624) by checking the boxes for all the documentation you are able to provide. It is best to provide as much documentation as you are able demonstrating that you are a legitimate church. At a minimum include your Articles of Incorporation (or Articles of Association), Bylaws and any pre-printed materials you have such as a business card, brochure, program/bulletin, etc.

Step 3: Take both completed forms to the post office. Include the following:

  • A check for $180: This is the permit application fee (Form 3615). It is a one time fee and separate from the annual fee you must pay for mailing
  • 2 forms of identification: One must be a picture ID. Options include: valid driver’s license; armed forces, government, university or corporate identification card; passport; current lease, mortgage or Deed of Trust; voter or vehicle registration card; home or vehicle insurance policy.
  • Evidence the organization is nonprofit: IRS letter of exemption from payment of federal income tax or a complete financial statement from an independent auditor. As a new church you may not yet have received your 501(c)3 status. Don’t let this stop you. By default churches are nonprofit. It says so in the IRS code. You may have to persuade your local post office employee, but you can submit the application without it and be approved. Stand firm.
  • Documents describing the organization’s primary purpose: This will most likely be articles of incorporation.
  • Documents explaining the organization’s operations: This will most likely be the church’s bylaws. You can also include bulletins, brochures, financial statements, membership applications, minutes of meetings, newsletters or a listing of activities for past 6-12 months. If you do include any of these things be sure to check the appropriate boxes on page 3 of the Form 3624

Step 4: Wait

The post office will send the Form 3624 to the national office for processing. This typically takes 4-6 weeks. You will receive a permit imprint number and a receipt from Form 3615. Keep this receipt for documentation. Once Form 3624 is approved it will be associated with your imprint number and you will be ready send bulk mail at nonprofit rates. Before your first mailing you will have to pay the $180 annual mailing fee and make a deposit into your account.

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