
Dex.ini Settings

Some of the deep technical stuff seems to have struck a chord so we'll do a little more. This week we're looking at some of the settings in the Dex.ini file. This file holds a number of key GP settings. Many of them are available via the program interface but some are not. This is NOT intended to be a comprehensive list of every possible Dex.ini line. But if you think I missed something, add it to the comments and we'll build a full list together.
SuppressChangeDateDialog=TRUE - Turns off the Date Change dialogue that opens at midnight
Synchronize = TRUE - Forces a synchronization of the chart of accounts format
OLEPath=\\server\folder\ole - Sets the path for linked and embedded files. This is often set up inconsistently in the initial setup. You'll need to include your path in place of \\server\folder\ole
NoPrintDialogs=TRUE - Suppress the print dialogue box
ShowResids=TRUE - Make resource ID's visible in Dexterity
SQLLogSQLStmt=TRUE SQLLogODBCMessages=TRUE SQLLogAllODBCMessages=TRUE - Turn on Dex SQL Logging (all 3 lines)
ShowAdvancedMacroMenu=TRUE - Turn on the Advanced Macro Menu
C:\DPS1\DEX.INI DPSInstance=1 C:\DPS2\DEX.INI DPSInstance=2 C:\DPS3\DEX.INI DPSInstance=3 - Run multiple process servers on a single machine. Specifics on CustomerSource here. (One line for each process server)
AutoInstallChunks=TRUE - Add CNK files without the "Add New Code?" dialogue
ExportOneLineBody=TRUE - eliminate line wrapping when exporting reports to comma or tab delimited files.
IMPath=C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Great Plains\Integration Manager\IM.EXE IMExecPath=C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Great Plains\Integration Manager\IMRun.EXE - Set the path to Integration Manager so it will launch properly from the menu. (2 lines)
WindowMax=TRUE - Open the GP main window full screen

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